The role of the Department is to facilitate, advise and monitor effective implementation of Public-Private Partnership (PPP) projects in infrastructure and service delivery.


PPP Legislations, Reports and Guidelines

The PPP Act

An Act to promote and facilitate the implementation of privately financed infrastructure projects and effective delivery of social services. It aims to enhance transparency, fairness and long-term sustainability by removing undesirable restrictions on private sector participation in the provision of social sector services and the development and operation of public infrastructure.


PPP Guidelines

The PPP procurement process is premised on principles of competition, transparency, fairness, equity and cost-effectiveness. All PPP projects should therefore demonstrate:

  • Affordability of the project to the contracting authority, bankability to financiers and developers,
  • Value for money,
  • Optimal risk allocation to the party better able to mitigate/manage the risk, and
  • Generate appropriate socio–economic benefits.

PPP Acts, Policies and Guidelines