About Us

The Ministry of Finance and National Planning has the mandate to perform a number of statutory functions that include preparation of the National Budget, Economic Management, Resource Mobilisation, Debt Management and Public Finance Management. It is responsible for managing public resources in an effective, transparent and accountable manner so as to support sustainable national development.

Further, the Ministry is responsible for national visioning, national development planning, appraisal of public investments, and coordination of development assistance programmes.


The Ministry derives its portfolio functions from the Government Gazette Notice No. 1123 of 2021.


Our Vision

A Smart and Value-Centred Ministry of Finance and National Planning.


Our Mission

To ensure effective and sustainable economic and financial management for inclusive development.


Our Values
The Ministry of Finance and National Planning upholds a commitment to excellence, professionalism, integrity, transparency, accountability and fiscal sustainability.


Our Priorities
Government is determined to harness our country’s potential and improve the livelihoods of our people. The Ministry supports and facilitates policies that help Zambia’s human development progress including taking steps to invest in education, health, and social protection – the cornerstones of economic growth and resilience.


Restoring debt sustainability

One of the key first steps for achieving our goals is restoring debt sustainability. Only then will we be able to build a productive, resilient and inclusive economy which provides opportunities for all.


Enabling economic transformation

To transform our economy and thereby boost growth and job creation, we are tirelessly working to improve the business climate by encouraging collaboration with the private sector, which has been identified as an engine of growth. We also have a clear plan to transform Zambia’s key economic sectors into vehicles for growth – specifically in agriculture, tourism, manufacturing, and mining.


Responsible for public finance management

The Ministry will continuously implement policies to help eliminate inefficiencies, fight corruption, and target resources into areas with significant growth potential. At the same time, we ensure prudent spending by decreasing the budget deficit, limiting borrowing and introducing measures to enhance public finance management at all levels.


Decentralising Government expenditure

The decision to expand the Constituency Development Fund (CDF) opens opportunities for every Zambian community to improve its public service delivery, safeguard livelihoods and create jobs. This will help local communities invest in priorities that are closest to them.


Investing in our country’s future

Only by investing in human capital and protecting the most vulnerable can the nation ensure economic recovery and inclusive sustainable economic growth. Key priority areas for include education, healthcare, social protection and youth employment.